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Strengthening the employer environment with insights and awareness that recognize the ideal but work within the realities of business, community and people.


As an Executive, Entrepreneur, and Consultant, I have worked with many advisors and consultants who focus on high level theories and business best practices but never dig into the many facets of an organization. 


Business, management and leadership is complicated. In order to make smart decisions, you need support sifting through the chaos, the details, the personalities, and the agendas to determine the options. 


We help you to make better decisions, plans, and strategies so that your success is not only within reach but is mapped out and guided. 


Call us today to get started on your better tomorrow. 

Our Facets include:
  • Program Facilitation & Leadership

  • Legacy Planning

  • Disaster Planning

  • C Level Advisor

  • Team Development

  • Coaching & Mentoring

  • Policy review

  • System design

INdustries Served:
Best Business practices applied well work in all businesses but these are ones we have proven results.
  • Non-Profits

  • Manufacturing

  • Building & Construction

  • Marketing

  • Logistics

  • Retail

  • Personal Services

Legacy Planning
Business owners, entrepreneurs, sacrifice a lot for their business, their teams and their clients.  Often, they spend most of their careers focused in the business and not planning for the legacy they want to leave.  It is such an important facet in the life of a business but it is not easy to develop because it is so personal, impacts the home family and the work family and involves significant decisions.   Before enlisting and incurring the costs of lawyers, accountants and financial advisors, some tough and important questions need to be considered. 
I work directly with owners to understand the long term goals, what is truly important, special circumstances and all the unique facets to consider in planning a legacy worth leaving.  Together, we work through the answers and develop a long term plan and  compile short term activities required to make the plan a reality.   
With the plan documented, our other services are available to continue to support the process.  We work with the advisors you trust and with the team to check the tasks off the list and keep focused on the plan you designed.
Disaster Planning
Is your team ready?
From acts of Mother Nature to acts of war and everything in between, there is a variety of prepared levels to consider.  How much time can your business afford to be down? How much data loss is acceptable to you? What does your staff do in the event of a long term power outage? cyber attacks, weather, terrorists, accidents - are you ready?  
The deliverable includes a binder with a plan document for each employee - after all, if the power is out and the internet is down, paper may be the only option left.
expense review

How often do you look at your P&L report and wonder what is causing specific accounts to be so high or fluctuate?  We work with your team to evaluate what is included in each account and work through a plan to consider where we may be able to reduce costs.  Sometimes it involves re-negotiating with existing vendors and sometimes it requires considering alternatives.  Often we find expenses that used to be required but were never eliminated as the business changes.  



We offer 3 phases of this project. 

- Review the P&L accounts and highlight areas to dive in deeper.

- Do the deep dive

- Perform the negotiations and finalize implementation of the various adjustments. 

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